Morning Trash 🗑️

2 min readMar 3, 2022

I see you popped open my lid. Great, now you’re in my sunlight. But fine, lets just chew the trash together anyhow.

As the morning birds started with their incessant chirping, and I had my morning nicotine and caffeine, I saw my favourite garbage truck drive by. Along came a nervous dog, (with a ‘not hard on the googly eyes’ owner), who looked like an RCA pup (the dog), looked on at me, unsure what to make of my long scraggly appearance. I’m sure with time, we will make great friends. Better not piss on the side of my can though. I have no teeth, I don’t know what the dog was fearful of. Its usually the Unknown.

A thought occured. Why should I dump my trash on other peoples yards, when I can just send up a cigarette smoke signal (or a vape cloud), and bring all the dogs to my yard. I dont need to drink your milkshake. But mine is free so have a sip if you like. It’s lean and green and does a body good I say.

Good place to dump trash. One muppets trash is another muppets treasure.

Speaking of.. why do you have a closet full of headsets you will never use. Some poor people on BetaStreet could use some of your old junk, you hoarder. They get a tool, you get more space.

Now piss off. I have a dayjob to do. The kids need me.

Lean Green Brother from InnerSpace




Observing the BetaWorld from the comfort of my RainbowDonut HQ.